Mine Air Seeder
The Ellworx Mine Air Seeder has been designed to meter a vast range of native seeds concurrently and deliver at prescribed rates blockage free to where it is required. It will also meter fertiliser and either mix with the seed or separate from when banding is required.
Our seeders maintain metering accuracy despite the extreme conditions they will be exposed to. It is not unusual for seeding to take place while deep ripping on 20-degree contours. Our design allows continual accurate operation in these conditions due to a combination of our unique seed drum and our suspension system which isolates the metering units from harsh vibration and impacts.
What Features Does It Have?
It can seed while deep ripping and traversing batters of up to 20 degrees
The seed drum comes with four chambers and variable opening settings allowing multiple seed types to be metered in a single pass
Agitators and optimised drum rotation speed prevent blockages and ensure uniformity of the seed mix
Seed opening slide options available for unique seed types and combinations
Fertiliser is metered by a fluted roller with cabin adjustable rate speed
Our suspension provides good vibration and impact isolation between the operation platform and the dozer and ripper tynes. ensuring metering accuracy and minimal mechanical fatigue
High volume blower for blockage free air distribution of seed and fertiliser
Powered by diesel over hydraulic power unit or from the dozer hydraulics
Hydraulics, fan, seed drum, and fertiliser meter are all able to be adjusted from the Dozer Cabin.
Seeder operation is controlled from the cabin via a control panel incorporating a screen. The screen provides feedback on seeder and metering speeds
Simple filling from the platform
Simple hitch and removal from the dozer ripper bar by forklift