Regenerative Agriculture Machines
Regenerative Agriculture
Industrial Agriculture has a use by date approaching rapidly. Nearly every step in Industrial Agriculture relies on fossil fuel inputs from cultivation, through to fertiliser and pesticide inputs. It doesn’t stop here though as each step also causes damage to the soil decreasing biological activity and carbon. This translates into increased atmospheric carbon, compacted soils reduced water infiltration and increased water runoff.
There is a solution to this of course. Along with electrifying equipment mother nature has already provided answers to improving soils and food output. The solution is to maintain living plants all year round which provide the soil protection and food through their roots to maintain soil biology which in return make all the nutrients the plants require available that were previously locked up in the soil. In much the same way as bacteria break food down into available nutrients in our digestive systems. The way soils used to do it before humans decided that cultivation, monoculture, fallow, and chemicals were essential to growing food.
Regenerative Agriculture applies these natural processes by utilising perennial cover crops to reduce external inputs. Another form of Regenerative Agriculture called Syntropic Agriculture takes this further by utilising plant succession to continually increase biomass and evolve the soil from bacterial to fungal dominated soils.
While Regenerative Agriculture reduces external inputs such as cultivation, fertiliser, and pesticides there is an increase in labour for tasks such as mowing, pruning, arranging biomass and harvesting from a more complex system. While soils have the capacity to continually provide the resources for food production, it cannot be done without informed management from farmers. Machines to assist and reduce these inputs will be required to attract farmers away from Industrial/chemical farming
Coming soon - Compost Mixer/Dispenser
The machine below was developed to ferment and agitate a grain slurry for stock feed. With some tweaks we aim to make a similar machine to mix a compost slurry and deliver to tree lines or crops. This type of equipment for applying biologicals is necessary when a transitioning from Industrial to Regenerative Agriculture. The soils need a boost in the early years.
The machine will hold 800-1200 litres, be trailing and designed to operate from tractor hydraulics. It will agitate the slurry keeping the compost in suspension while the dispensing auger delivers the slurry.
Coming soon - Mower/mulcher/biomass organiser
This machine will be required to manage the large amounts of grass biomass and chop and drop biomass from prunings. It will need to reduce biomass to smaller pieces and deliver to where it will provide maximum benefit usually along tree lines.
We have lots of ideas incubating at the moment. The difficulty is manufacturing a versatile machine to suit a large range of farm types.